I'm at a loss as to what to do for Squirt for Christmas this year. I always give books to the girls, and while Boo (being thirteen) is easy -- The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown -- Squirt is not as easy to shop for. Anyone have any ideas about books for a girly six year old who's on the verge of learning how to read?
She's very much into princesses, so I think fairy tales and that sort of thing would be great, but I'd rather stay away from Disney. Shakespeare stories simplified for kids, perhaps ... is there such a thing? Beautiful illustrations, whether they're realistic or whimsical, would be a BIG plus. (Think
Boris and Bella or
The Camel's Lament.) The text could be more sophisticated than what a little kid could handle, since she could grow into it, but it should still be illustrated so Squirt has something to look at while Mom or Chris or Jimbo reads to her.
(Side note: I just looked online for Shakespeare-for-kids books. Found a series at Amazon. No idea about the content, but the illustrations look like a kindergartner did them.)
Need book recs! Please!