Snape Is Soo Sexy by ~
SnapeisSexy on
deviantART Look familiar to you? This is Marquise's work that was on Playwitch years ago. SnapeisSexy is displaying it in her gallery and responding to comments like she's the one who created it. I've reported the theft, and even though Playwitch is no longer online to prove the date and Marquise's ownership, the Playwitch logo is on the artwork itself. Don't just leave a comment for this ersatz artist like you're reviewing it; PLEASE REPORT THIS THEFT TO THE MODS. I did ask Marquise first if this was hers, and she confirmed that it is. (As if the Playwitch copyright logo at the bottom left didn't give it away.)
I agonize over my fanfic and my fanart. For ages. And while the final results are pleasing (according to the reviews), I consider myself to be merely adequate at both. So when some pissant twerp takes something that's exceptional and claims it as her own, it's one of the few things that can shorten my fuse from very long indeed to almost nothing.