I don't mean to be snap judgemental but...

Jan 03, 2009 18:03

Bloody hell Moffat are you trying to put me off the show before you've even started making it!

Carrot Juice.

Edit 2:

You know, i'm trying to think of vaguely sensible points to say detailing my concerns over the casting, but everything I think keeps bringing me back to sounding like Tim Bisley in Spaced. "you weren't there at the beginning. You don't know how good it was! How important! This is it for you! This jumped-up firework display of slashfic-teenlove-girlpower-chavtastic-emo-squee!" And yes, I wasn't there right at the begining, but along with Star Wars, Doctor Who is the thing I've followed for the longest time and to the greatest depth. I care. PRobably far too much, but I care and damnit I'm concerned over a TV show with no way of allaying any concerns and fears until 2010.

The sensible side of my brain says "wait and see till he actually has a few episodes under his belt" but! THE DOCTOR IS YOUNGER THAN ME! How is that going to work? How on earth is he going to pull off traveling time and space showing off the wonders of the universe to a younger companion. Is this how the BBC is working now? Casting kids in major important roles...Merlin was full of teenage characters. THe guy looks like the type of scruffy trouble making oik I have to boot out the library every few weeks. I can't get the image of Doctor Who traveling in black ripped jeans, wristbands, eyeliner down his face and a tshirt with some sort of skull on it, or a band logo. He's got nothing about him that I can see that I expect in my Doctor. That must be it, i'm too old for this anymore.

4 times I've seen this happen during my life (well technically 6 but I wasn't old enough to really take any notice of Colin Baker or Sly McCoy being cast). Paul McGann announced...oh interesting, I can see him working but I doubt the Americans will take to him.
Ecclescake announced, I was suspicious yes, but hey, decent proper actor cast. Okay I quickly went off him for wasting a regeneration.
Tennant, yep, no problem with that one at all that I remember.
And now this guy. What on earth is in his resume of note? 7 listings on IMDB, one part no more than an extra, one yet to be shown, and a handful of hardly startling stage credits. Okay the Pullman adaptions he was vaguely ok in, which is the one glimmer of hope that he might pull off something ok in 2010. But vaguely ok is all I feel I can hope for now after the high hopes of Moff being in charge.

And it's gone 4 in the morning here, I really should stop thinking about this and see what comes.

Although having said that thank goodness for Radio Adventures with McGann and Sheridan Smith as a surprisingly good companion.

Oh sod it, I'm going to go watch more Trial of a Timelord. Good grief, I'm retreating into the Colin Baker era...that surely says more than I wish to comment on about my state of mind.

Edit 3:
And how is he going to look as an action figure! Just can't picture that one. (And yes that is important too damnit!)
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