Nov 30, 2006 22:24
i saw your haircut in a storefront / choppy sides and perfect bangs
i find it amazing and coincidental that kd&gdb have a song called "haircut" (ft above!) and i have a new haaiiircut.
it indeed is choppy with bangs.
musical cast list went up today:
i am an old lady and i'm super pumped.
(despite the fact that kimball was like "YOU TALKED TOO FAST TODAY (jb) AND YESTERDAY AT CALLBACKS" anddd i always do. whateverrr. i'm working on it. i'm always working on it!)
i have some serious lincoln & calc & physics to do. oh damnnnn.
i'll post new haircut pictures eventually.
kd&gdb tomorrowww! i took a test run to the city tonight (which would have been fine if my dad read me the directions. i asked him where we should go to get gas and he -in all seriousness- said "catonsville." and i said "um. specifically?" "just straight through. catonsville." SAYING THE BP ON FREDERICK WOULD HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY MORE EFFECTIVE.). n howard's sketch but i'm not really worried about it.
i might end up driving home after midnight. let's hope i don't get pulled over! whoooo!
then saturday is highschoolmusical which i have yet to get my tickets for. hoho. d'annaaa.
stage door was on tcm last night. haaa. it's everywhere i go.
i'm off to kick some outline ass.
so glad it's the weekendalmost!