Mar 17, 2005 13:57
Well had a pretty good weekend, again it was kenny,lindsey,derek,me,and jess* It was great... I love the new lil group we got going on =) lol..... Friday we went to Lindsey's house and watched malibus most wanted... has anyone seen that movie, it is freakin hilarious* this one part this big ol thug from the hood is screaming stop it, then all the sudden he screams in a really high pitched voice... shew i dont know you would just have to see it! lol anyways, we all left around 11:30..... me and jess came back to my place, we were starving and we each ate a big bowl of spaghetii at like 12 at nite! lol but anyways.... *i forgot bout taking the bowls back up to the kitch the next morning, and found them yesterday* lol so they have been there for bout 5 days... kinda nasty but it happens! lol...... anyways, next morning we got up at the crack of 9:30... lol crack of dawn? crack of 9:30 get it! haha..... and got ready, then linds came and got us.....we had to sit in the back seat of a damn car the whole way to johnson city, with two kids screaming and what not the whole way...... with 6 ppl in the freakin car,not a fun trip... anyways we went bc linds was in this fashion show, and we wanted to be there for her, turns out it was at a country club and they were goingto charge us ten freakin dollars to see her walk up a run way... so lol we didnt pay, we saw the same show at her pagent that nite for 3 dollars =) so ya know, it all worked out... anyways we met up with derek and kenny at the pagent! Linds looked beautiful*! Kenny was bout to die bc she was so pretty... =) lol* then we went and got some pizza from the ol work place, and went to pound to jessica's dads house..... .jess got mad at me for a lil while lol but we are over it now* ..... anyways we had a good time there, some kinda, umm, odd things happened, but lol it was fun* we watched hide and seek.... kinda twisted movie, but decent i suppose* ..... sunday, we came home, i slept like the whole freakin afternoon* and couldnt sleep that nite, I didnt go to school on monday though so its ok... my damn wisdom tooth is about to kill me, seriously* its awful* Then we were out of school today...... it was good, i slept in, then jess called and woke my ass up, so ya know* lol ....i think this coming weekend is gonna be a good one to!!! friday we are going to jessica's kenny and derek are coming over..... adn then saturday and sunday my daddy is flying in to see me =) ahhh i miss him so much, im glad that i get to see him, i reckon we are going to barter theater and out to eat, then just spending some time together! but anyways!!! i think im gonna go clean* ......