Jun 30, 2010 11:49
[Welcome to what it's likely to be a common theme through these attacks, an injured person. Namely Kamui who certainly looks as though he's taken a beating, blood and one of his arms looking a little...strangely out of place.
He's breathing heavily as though he's just out-run something, unconsciously forming a ball of energy in what would be his working hand although from his stance it's far from being an offensive attack...]
Aren't these things meant to represent something in their own stories? Killing them probably is--
What was--?
[The esper seems to take a few almost paranoid glances around before backing up a little.]
Better get moving again...
! harry potter; hermione,
! yami no matsuei; asato,
! gravitation; ryūichi,
? event,
! fma; sloth