♥°ω° ~ *14*

Jan 09, 2008 20:44

Calling Turks and Juniour Turks and Other-People-Who-Can-Fight-Well-and-Also-Wear-Ties-and-Suits~!!! ♥

The beasty boy wants to spar with ten people~! ♥ So, since Viichan and Himechan and Yachichan all fight and are my friends, and they also wear ties like I have with my uniform, then I thought that maybe we could have a suit-brigade to fight him, naa~! Hikachan and Kaochan say that style is very very very super important in doing anything, nee~ It's been boring anyhow~

In other news, I'm better now~! ♥ Yaaaaaay~! ♥ Usachan is, too, nee, nee~! I still gotta drink tea and stuff, to make sure I'm really really better, but all in all, I'm no longer sick~! ♥

Annnouuuuu~ HARUCHAN~! We should go sledding like Tamachan suggested before, naa~! I haven't sled before, but it looks fun~ ♥ Yaaaay, Go, Go, Commoners~! ♥

Bossuchan, Bossuchan~! You should give Viichan back her job as a Turk 'cause Viichan's my new friend and she likes cake and mooglie-mooglies, and she can fight with knives really well, and her and I are gonna practice judou and karate and if we find equipment kendou and if we find ponies bajutsu and if we get swords iaidou and all sorts of other stuff so she can see traditional martial arts~! ♥ It's gonna be fun, and then we're gonna have tea and cake, too~! ♥ And play with moogles and Usachan~! ♥ Yaaaaay~! You should come, naa

I thiiiiink that's all. So still calling all Turks and suit wearing fighters so we can spar with the beasty guy~! ♥ Yaaaay~! ♥

usachan, valeria, martial arts, fighting, elena, haruhi, turks, sledding, rufus, sick, viral

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