♥°ω° ~ *10* [Voice Post]

Dec 25, 2007 23:41

Haruchannnnnn~~♪ Haruuuuuchan~~~~♫ Haaaaaaruchan~~~~♫ ♪ ♥♥♥

Nee, nee, hey, every~body♪ ~! Meeeeee~rry♫ CHRIS~TMAS~~~ ♪ ♥

Nyaaaaaaaannn~~ Did everyone get their gifts, huh, huh~? Naa, naa, I had a lot of fun with Usachan making them, nee~~ Annouuuu~~ I don't have anymore crayons~~~

But that's okay, naaaaa~! Because here's Haaaaaa♪ruuu♪chaaaaaaaaan♫~~~ ♥♪

Neeeee~~~ I got a blanket, and some candy, and a cake, and some cookies, and another cake, and Benchan says he's gonna take me and Usachan out for cake, too, naa~! And Marichan gave Usachan a scarf and hat, neee~! And I got a super cute fuzzy bearbear hat from Shuchan, naaaaaa~ And Clairuchan gave me a pretty card~ Zacchan got me a cake~~ And I got a goooooood luck charm♪~~~ Aaaaaaaaand~~~~ Ooooo, Tamachan, Tamachan~! Tamachan got me a basket~! Neeee, it's cute~! Like couuuuntry~~~ Nee nee and it has more candy inside, too~! And a mug and tea and coffee~!

[normal] I have tea for us, nee~! We need to have tea together now, okay, okay~!

[normal] Naaaaaaaaaa I have the magic INSTAAAAANTO♪ COFFEEE~♫

Annouuuuu~ Hikachan♪~ and Kaochan♫ did not give me a giiiift, neeee~ [whine]

Laaaaaaa~~ Okay, every~body♪~! You got crayons, now, nee~ So we can all colour together, naaa~!

O, o, Sakuchan, Sakuchan~! We can colour at our snow picnic and you can meet Haruchan now, neeeeee~! ♥ Haaaaaaaaaa♪ruchannnnnn♫ and Saaaaaaa♫kuchannnnnn~♪~~~~ Nyyaaaaaay, we can all be friends now, nee, nee~! Yaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~

Daadadannnn~~ O~!
[louder]BOSSUCHAN~! ♥ I LAVE YOU~! ♥

[normal] I'm gonna protect Watachan now neee~! I forgive you, Watachan, okay, okay~! ♥

Annouuuuu~~ It's time to sleep again~~~~ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~~! ♥ Bedtime♪~ Bedtime♫~~~ With Usachan~! Night~niiiight~♪! ♥

asellus, damien, basket, yachiru, godot, hikaru, blanket, shu, bedtime, makubex, tamaki, marina, honey iz luving rufus, honey iz luving haruhi, tea, coffee, kaoru, cake, moar candy, max, claire, rufus iz back, watanuki, protectin' watanuki, snow picnic, zack, moar cake, christmas, haruhi, asclepius, rufus, candy

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