To Shu

Dec 17, 2007 22:10

Shuchan, Shuchan~~! ♥

Bossuchan said to talk to you about my job at ShinRa in regards to battling people, neee~~

Tell me about it, huh~ Who will I fight~? I can tell you about my experiences and belts if you want, naa~! And I'll accept training or a partner if you want too~ Whatever you want, nee~ :D Bossuchan is that same way~!

Bossuchan said that I'm working also in the Public Affairs Department~ But he said I can work there AND fight on your team, nee, whatever you guys are doing, right~ Is that okay with you, too, Shuchan, huh~?

I guess that's all, nyee~~ Thank you, Shuchan, Shuchan~~~! ♥

shinra, shu

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