Sep 16, 2005 00:30
Okay, so I'm doing an RP with my happy friend D-chan. In it we decided to intro the Weiss boys. I can't remember HOW it got started, but somehow I wound up needed a timeline for Weiss to mesh with our current timeline. Hence me watching Weiss to determine how long the series lasted, ect. ect. D-chan said I should post the timeline here. So I am. ^_^
(Feel free to use it if you need to, but I want credit for my work!)
Weiss timeline:
Ep 1: Night 1, dude go smoosh.
Day 2: Weiss gets mission.
Day 3: Chicky meet psycho, psycho goes to chicky’s house
Day 4: Weiss gives Chicky letter
Day 5: Go to White Villa, everyone dies!!
Ep 2: Day six: Aya see Aya-chan. Persia give mission, mission end
Ep 3: Day 10: Chick found in bay
Day 11: Weiss get mission, Youji go to Hotel
Day 12: Youji wake up at hotel, get info.
Day 13: Maki call Omi, Maki gets bangity-death, Weiss do hit on pervy assholes.
Ep 4: Day 14: Weiss get Creeper mission.
Day 15: Ken fucking around with Kase, Ken get attacked.
Day 16: Ken tell Kase about hit on him, then have to kill him anyway.
Ep 5: Day 17: Ken meets Australia chick, fucks her.
Day 18: Ken hangs out with Australia chick. Ken gets LAID!
Day 19: Ken back at shop, spend evening with Australia chick, then get mission, Ken see chick, finish mission.
Day 20: Australia Chick fly away. Poor Ken.
Ep 6: Day 20: Sakura looses kidney.
Day 25: Aya sees Sakura, Weiss get mission.
Day 26: Aya save Sakura, Sakura strip for Aya.
Day 27: Youji has to work the shop alone. Aya be a bastard to Sakura, Sakura get kidnapped, again. Aya saves her.
Day 28: Weiss kill Fucked-up Doctor dude. Sakura go to shop after school. She rejoined the track team… Awww…
Ep 7: Day 29: Annoying kid escape.
Day 30: Omi find annoying kid. Take kid home, find out about dead kid. Do back to annoying kid’s house.
Day 31: Omi find out about dead kids, have freak out.
Day 32: Omi jump Manx, annoying kid kidnapped again. Everyone frees the kid!
Day 33: sad Omi on the pier.
Ep 8: Day 33(still): Monster thingy attacks muggers*
Day 34: Happy music means DEATH!! Beastie dude play with girlfriend and freak.
Day 35: Everyone learns about beastie boy! Aya go see him. Beastie boy dies.
Day 36: Weiss meet Schreint.
Ep 9: Day 36: Weiss and Schreint fight. Omi doesn’t get to sleep again!
Day 37: Weiss jack off while Omi works. Nagi meet Tot, Aya bitch to Manx about revenge.
Day 38: Kritiker agent gets turned into beastie,
Day 39: Weiss attack Schreint, one Takatori down.
Ep 10: Day 40: Poor sap get hunted and killed. Omi wake up in the early AM with scary dream
Day 41: Sleepy Omi in the shop. Youji tease about porn. Ouka “humbly” ask him out. Omi has no taste, and goes to club in BAD outfit. Omi and Ouka dance, then get kidnapped.
Day 42: Omi gets hunted, finds out he’s a Takatori.
Ep 11: Day 44: Omi is alone hanging by the pier, sees Ouka, Omi talks to Aya, Hirofumi talks to Takatori about Omi
Day 47: Weiss setting up flowers for party Schuldig see them, Omi in school go spend evening with Ouka, find out about Aya-chan.
Day 48: Omi go to party with Ouka. Get kidnapped by Schuldig, beat up by Hirofumi, kill brother.
Ep 12: Day 49: Ouka talk to Omi in shop, go on delivery with him, Ouka want Omi to go on date. Omi meet Schuldig and have nightmares.
Day 50: Schuldig meet Ouka, Ouka ask mother about Omi. They’re incestuous!! Omi run around town like an idiot looking for Ouka, find Persia instead. Omi try to meet Ouka at movie Schuldig beats him to it. Ouka dies.
Ep 13: Day 50: Golf club fun!
Day 51: Takatori start framing Weiss. Omi talk to Persia at Ouka’s grave.
Day 58: Fake Weiss blow up factory, Aya getting antsy.
Day 61: Persia meet with Takatori, Aya still antsy, confronts Omi, then Persia.
Day 62: New bombing, Persia FINALLY giving Weiss mission, Weiss get ambushed
Ep 14: Day 62: Weiss getting abused, Aya gets his ass kicked
Day 63: Takatori Prime minister. Weiss get framed, Momoe get to go to the mountains
Ep 15: Day 63: Takatori DIE!!!
Ep 16: Day 84: Omi E-mailing people, Youji meet “Asuka”
Day 85: Mika kidnapped, Youji take “Asuka” to Villa White get attacked by Neu, Aya-chan kidnapped.
Day 86: Ken get attacked, Weiss boys meet at the shop. Meet Birman and the Red Shirt! Everyone go free the kidnapped girls.
Ep 17: Day 89: Aya at family grave. Fucked up chicky burn up the kids. Shop reopens.
Day 91: Botan stalking Aya, everyone get to see Persia computer, get mission. Aya harassing nurses. Weiss working on mission, Aya beat poor nurse senseless. Red shirt dies. (MUCH overkill on Botan)
Day 92: Aya makes an airplane!
Ep 18: Day 92: Farfie hurting god.
Day 93: Ken meet Ruth. Farfarello kill priest.
Day 94: Ken go see Ruth.
Day 95: Weiss get EARLY mission, spend day at church, Ruth post messages to Jei, Farfie finish his punishment and see messages, Ken go see Ruth. KIDNAP the Nun!! Nun get stabity-death!
Ep 19: Day 96: People go nuts over shitty music.
Day 102: Aya and Omi taking flowers to stadium. See Sakura, Crawford meet Wunder X.
Day 103: Omi and Youji eating lunch, girl freaks out, Aya and Sakura go on a “date.”
Day 104: Dude go freak out in stadium, Aya’s stalking his sis-replacement. Ken, Youji and Omi steal dead kid’s CD, Ken and Youji freak out over it, Birman FINALLY give them mission. Wunder X dies!!! Sakura sees it.
Ep 20: Day 105: Aya over water flower, Omi go to court. Wheelchair chick die, killer get off. Omi have to baby sit freshman and cop.
Day 106: Omi go to lawyer’s office, Lawyer make Omi have doubts. Cop get beat to death, Weiss get mission, Weiss kill Lawyer.
Day 107: Freshman gets flowers!
Ep 21: Day 108: Youji sleeping nude. Schuldig talk to Schreint. Dude lose spine
Day 109: Weiss get mission. Schreint attack Youji and Ken, Neu hit by car
Day: 110: Youji take “Asuka” out on town. Get in fight with Weiss, Neu trick Youji, Youji kill her. Sad, sad Weiss
Ep: 22: Day 117: Estet wants Aya-chan, Schwarz go talk to Schreint, Hell send Weiss message, Weiss go to Schreint lab, Schreint die, Nagi bring down building
Ep 23: Day 118: Sakura obsessed over Aya
Day 119: 2 Kritiker agents die
Day 120: Sakura go talk to Omi, Schuldig kidnap
Day 121: Missing Sakura, Weiss mission, Weiss can’t kill old dudes, Sakura shoot Aya
Ep 24: Day 122: Momoe get to go to the countryside again, Estet get to see ritual room, Schwarz messing with Aya-chan’s DNA, Farfie try to kill Birman, Ran get to see Aya-chan!
Day 123: Everyone looking for Estet, Nagi show up on Weiss’s door early in the AM, Aya go to meet Crawford to “trade” girls, Schwarz rekidnap Aya-chan.
Ep 25: Day 124: Estet try to do ritual, Weiss stop it, building go BOOM, everybody dies.