(no subject)

Aug 26, 2009 19:52

Hi there! x3
It's been a while since I've written in here again. xD I just can't manage to do it regularly. I wonder why? :3 Everyone, how do you manage to do so? I even can't check up my f-list daily or every second... -_-'

So change the topic.
School started again and my timetable has changed a lot. xD Now I don't have school until 4 o'clock - just on monday, but that's acceptable. xD I'm happy that I have so much freetime again, because now I can study better and a lot for the ZAP. (for those who don't know, it is an important exam which all pupil of the tenth class have to write at the end of class ten.) I have to study even harder, because I have to get good marks, if I want to do ABI... -_- I'm really shy, that's why I'm quit during class but I still know a lot of the correct answers (in some of the subjects) but I always keep quiet and ask myself, if my anwer would be correct and then an other pupil answers like I would do - then I know : "I was right!". Baka dasu! xD' One big point I have to change! xD'
I don't want to blabber you full with problems or goals I have, so I will change the topic again! xD

I still have a Meme, that I forget to post during summer holidays! So I'm doing it yet! xD

Tagged by : berry_chii

Firstly : If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
I'm the only one who sleeps in my bed. xD

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
Hmm... I don't think I've done that? I don't remember... xD'

What do you eat the most when you are watching something?
If I eat something, then it is something sweet. (But I don't get fat of that!) x3

What's your occupation?
I'm still a 'schoolgirl'.

What's really creepy?
Horror movies and everything that I'm afraid of and that's a lot! -_-'

Who is your celebrity crush?
Should I tell them all here?! They're too many, you wouldn't read on! xD

What are you listening to right now?
Right now I don't listen to anythig, but a song is playing in my head. So it would be Maze from Savage Genius feat. Tomoe.

What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
Hmm ~ never tried but I think it's meat and rice.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ of course and my mail servers (have two different ones -w-).

What was the last thing you bought?
Uff... I think it was a Manga or two. xD'

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
A little child who had a tiny umbrella, but didn't walk under it. xD

Does the weather affect your mood?
Oh yeah! It finishes me off! >_<

What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces and rooster. -w-

Do you want to learn another language?
Yes! I want to learn many languages but I shouldn't overdo it right? ^-^'

5 things you can't live without
My family and precious friends, music, drawing, fangirling

Do you have any siblings?
My big sister and my younger sister. ^-^ (daisuki!!)

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"Why aren't you there when I'm?!" to Hikki-chan. xD

What are you looking forward to?
To meet my friends from LJ and from school. x3

Say something to the person who tagged you
That wasn't that difficult, thank you! x3
I will keep up!

Now I have to tagg 8 people, but I won't take exactly 8...
I'll tagg :

I think that's enough. ^^' I want to know more about you all, so please do the Meme, onegaishimasu!! m(_ _)m.

Before I will end this entry, I just have to announce that I'll be on a classtrip for a week! It starts on the 07.09.09 until friday ~ I'm really looking forward to it! *_*
Ah! And before I forget. I have a new layout - yay!! Hey! Say! JUMP is on it, I really like it! And I will update my profile soon, so keep an eye on it! ;)

Thank you berry for managing my new layout and my profile piccu, love them ~! ^-^

fun, meme, school

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