Surprise surprise ~!

Jul 22, 2009 17:00

Hey minna!

As the yesterdays entry said I will now report how the big mission was!
First of all, after I wrote the entry I noticed that I had a puffy eye!! I thought everyone would see it, but they hadn't. Thank goodness. -w- Today it even got worser, think that I have to do somethig against it... -_-'

Oh, I missed the topic ~
We first had to back the cake. And when she walked downstairs my father played the CD, which we always play when someone has birthday. (That damn CD, it's so embarrassing! >.<')
After that our surprise followed. I think it was a fully success!! We made something that you can't buy anywehre and we put a lot of effort into it!! That days insider was 'Shadow'... xDDDD It will take a lot of time to explain, so don't ask if you don't want to know it that badly. xD' After lunch we decided to go for a smal trip. Unfortunately my friends came along before we wanted to drive. They came all the way just to visit me, so I stayed the time together with them. It was really fun and I'm glad that I stayed, but somehow I wanted to go with my family as well. Nya, we have to do it again, but at a time when I know for sure that my friends aren't coming along! xD

So ~
This entry sure is long, although it wasn't the whole day! xDDD
Maybe I will write again soon! ^_^v


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