Chesterstead w 8: Svedala

Aug 21, 2011 19:03

Narrated by Simon Svedala

Having a house full of children is wonderful, if a bit stressful. I try to be as much as I can with all of them, but work takes up a lot of my time. I love my job, but I love my 2 boys and 4 girls so much too! I am happy that Emengarde wants to stay at home, and thankful for it. It feels important to be here with them during these precious years. They run by so fast.

Sometimes we find time for ourselves. To just sit down in the tub, after a long day of work and then helping Emengarde get the children to bed, is fantastic. Even if it's just for half an hour or so before we have to crash in bed ourselves.

It was so exciting to see the girls grow up!

Maj-Lis, so outgoing and playful, but really lazy when it comes to chores and homework. She's the one to just crash on the couch, and then complain that she's bored.

Anne-Sofie isn't as shy as Inga-Lill or Marie-Louise, but she isn't as outgoing as Maj-Lis. She is active and playful, and just like all her sisters very nice.

Marie-Louise is the serious one. She is acting quite the older sister to the other girls (even if she actually is the second youngest). She's very neat, and always has to make everybody's beds. She's very nice and active, but shy and serious. Whereas we can't get Maj-Lis to do anything unless we make it into a game, Marie-Louise is the one who hates it when we make everything into games and fun.

Inga-Lill is also very playful, but she's quite shy. She is very well-behaved but nearly as lazy as Maj-Lis.

Einar was quite happy he could finally play properly with his sisters.

One morning Emengarde found Inga-Lill hiding behind her bed. She'd skipped school! I had to calm Em down when I got home as she felt like the worst parent ever. I tried to explain that with 6 kids to send off every morning, I was impressed even half of them managed to get there!

Before we knew it, it was tiem for the boys to become teenagers!

Family/ Pleasure
+ Cologne & Make up
- Great Cook
LTW: Marry off 6 children

Grilled Cheese
+ Muscles & Brown Hair
- Cologne
LTW: Eat 200 GC sandwiches

Em has had time to keep the store open for a few days a week now, thanks to the children being in school.

It's always fun when the kids bring home their cousins from school. And Sigurd is such a great kid.

We were so proud when the girls came home with A+!

Einar got a job there for a week or so. Then he decided he didn't want one, that staying at home and eating Grilled Cheese all day was much more fun. We tried to tell him that he wouldn't be able to make a living like that. He said he could write GC-reviews for the local paper. We just sighed.

Inga-Lill always tries to play with Marie-Louise. I guess it doesn't work all the time, but they do seem to be quite close anyway. It's as if Marie Lu appreciates Inga trying. And not in that active and loud way that Maj-Lis uses. She can be quite overwhelming sometimes.

Em took the girls to the sports park one day.

I think it was good for me and the boys to just have the house to ourselves for a few hours.

But it's quite amazing to see how much they care for their little sisters.

We might have house full of kids, toys and cats but we are quite the happy family.

- Wow, this took quite some time for me to actually start writing. And well, this is a lot of pictures.
- The "new" header is inspired by huning and all the other people who use these small headers. I quite like it.
- I do love this family, but it is a stressful one to play.
- I think my favourites so far are Maj-Lis and Marie Lu (I just imagine that's a nick-name she might get). Which is fun, because they are each others opposites. Maybe that's why I like them, they stand out.
- I am aware the members of this family suddenly changed eyes; this is because I had completely missed that not only did they all revert to S1 skin when I went Maxis Match, they all got gray eyes too. So I changed it back. Now I have also changed my coloured skins, so by next week they will all have changed skin colour too ;)

chesterstead:svedala, chesterstead

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