Isabel was quite a young vampire. Her own generation had just passed away, so she could probably had visited her nieces and nephews had she wanted to. But really, a young vampire can still be dangerous, and visiting your own kin isn't really "how things are done". Having just left her maker, Isabel decided she wanted to just live somewhere calm and peaceful for a while. Isabel moved to Chesterstead on simday 42.
Knowledge, Pisces (3-3-8-3-8)
Turn-ons: Cologne and Plantsimism
Turn-off: Make-up
LTW: Become Head of SCIA
Isabel was one evening a bit too curious and got picked up by a passing spaceship. She was also dating Jeremiah (by
maranatah) and he had moved in to help her with the triplets.
Chow Delahoussaye
Born: simday 53
Pamela Delahoussaye
Born: simday 53
Jessica Delahoussaye
Born: simday 53