Feb 10, 2006 00:03
shepperd: I’m just saying that if we’re taking a page from the John Sheppard Book of Computer Repair, we’re really desperate.
just saw duet. i dunno, it was... interesting. the gollum thingy that mckay pulled off was kinda funny. :D
mckay: Yeah, and the sun will be up in two hours, forty three minutes and ... ten seconds.
shepperd: It’s raining!
mckay: So we’ll be cold and miserable
ooh, it just struck me how cool teyla is. i like it when ronon comes to say he's sorry, and she is sitting on her bed, stretching. in no way is she embarassed or intimidated by this hunk who just caught her stretching her long legs. uh uh. instead, she just adresses him and they talk. i so liked that.
mckay: My God - last week we flew dangerously close to the corona of a sun! As it is, I may have to forego reproducing.
lorne: Yeah, that’s funny - I was just thinkin’ that might be wise.
haha, i liked that in duet, the redshirt didn't die. it was nice, for a change. but what's with the blonde hair? wasn't she brown-haired in the beginning?
weir: c’mon, pack up what you need.
beckett: I don’t think an operating room and a bloody army will fit through the Gate.
but it feels nice that some one seems interested in beckett. he could use a strong army brat. :D beckett is kinda cool. just as much a hero as mckay, but at least he isn't whining as much. and he has an accent. i always like pretty accents.
beckett: You have a date, Rodney? With a woman?
mckay: It is simply two adults sharing some friendly ... yes, with a woman!
but that thing with ford, now that's unsettling. but i hope they fix it soon, 'cause it's also kinda boooring *urgo voice*. i dunno, ford is really the least intresting character right now. i like liz. she is cool, but i don't really like the feeling that she is always wrong and shepperd is right. i dunno, it just feels as if everytime something bad happens, she goes of in the wrong direction and he saves the day. i'd like it to be vice versa for once.
mckay:... I’m sure I do, but only because Doctor Fumbles McStupid over here was in way over his head!
zelenka: Yes, yes, I made a mistake trying to save your life. Now, d’you want to try to fix it, or do you want to continue to berate me somewhat?
mckay: I’m perfectly capable of doing both at the same time.
but at the same time, i think liz and john should have a little dark-haired love child. haahaha, lovekids are so funny. *makes up a PWP fluff fic about three dark-haired kids [two twins and an older sister who, of course, is a genious while the little ones are just martial art experts, something they learned from aunt teyla and uncle ronon. then the kids gets taken by some evil wraith spy-village and liz and john goes totally OOC, says sappy things, cries, hug and saves their kids]* rflmao. fluff fics for president!
sheppard: Uh, did you get the chance to talk to Ronon?
weir: Yes, I did. Chatty fellow, isn’t he?!
sheppard: And?
weir: He would be your responsibility.
sheppard: I knew you’d say yes!
weir: I haven’t said yes.
sheppard: Well, you were about to.
weir: Yes.
*goes into my dreamland*
tv-show:stargate atlantis