meme snurched from the awesome
quackisss Default icon:
made by the awesome
ladyireth and i just love it!
Oldest icon:
Newest icon:
Saddest icon:
Happiest icon:
Angriest icon:
Cutest icon:
Sexiest icon:
Most humourous icon:
only swedes understand this haha.
Favourite ship icon:
Favourite fandom icon:
Icon you use the most (beside default):
Favourite overall:
i just love
mercscilla's stuff. hands down.
How many icons do you have total? 37
How many can you have? 45
If you could buy space for more, would you? not at the moment.
Do your icons make a statement about you? the ones of me do, i guess. but yeah, they tell about my fandoms, and my kind of humour and what kind of iconmakers i like.
What fandom do you have the most icons out of? sg-1
The second most? X Files
What ship do you have the most icons out of? S/J
How do you categorize your icons? ex. BSG: A/R Butterfly
Are your icons mostly made by other users? yes. want that to change, i think my icons should reflect my work, but i'm just so slow making any right now, haha.
Animated icons are... cool.
In general, I think icons... are so pretty, so much fun and can express so much!