
Drew is a beast

Feb 26, 2008 22:02

Actually, that's technically a travel, but she's still a beast.

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

EXTRAVERSION...............36 ************************************

..Friendliness.............47 ***********************************************

..Gregariousness...........38 **************************************

..Assertiveness............17 *****************

..Activity Level...........49 *************************************************

..Excitement-Seeking.......36 ************************************

..Cheerfulness.............57 *********************************************************

Your score on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone.

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

AGREEABLENESS..............21 *********************

..Trust....................70 **********************************************************************

..Morality.................29 *****************************

..Altruism.................33 *********************************

..Cooperation..............44 ********************************************


..Sympathy.................31 *******************************

Your score on Agreeableness is low, indicating less concern with others' needs Than with your own. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising.

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........18 ******************

..Self-Efficacy............13 *************

..Orderliness..............33 *********************************

..Dutifulness..............41 *****************************************

..Achievement-Striving.....9 *********

..Self-Discipline..........17 *****************

..Cautiousness.............47 ***********************************************

Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

NEUROTICISM................47 ***********************************************

..Anxiety..................27 ***************************

..Anger....................43 *******************************************

..Depression...............30 ******************************

..Self-Consciousness.......75 ***************************************************************************

..Immoderation.............48 ************************************************

..Vulnerability............68 ********************************************************************

Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.

Domain/Facet........... Score 0--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90--------99

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE.....21 *********************

..Imagination..............28 ****************************

..Artistic Interests.......0

..Emotionality.............6 ******

..Adventurousness..........38 **************************************

..Intellect................59 ***********************************************************

..Liberalism...............79 *******************************************************************************

Your score on Openness to Experience is low, indicating you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.

I really don't know how accurate these are.

I'm really interested in seeing what David Sirlin's tweaks to SF2THD will have on the tournament scene. This will be one of the few times that someone has actually modified a game to just even the playing field between characters, and I guess we'll see how good a designer he actually is.

Wil Shipley: Monster Marketing

Am trying Fusion instead of Parallels for virtualizing Vista on OS X. It seems much better so far. I think I'm going to have to buy it.

Third edition of Hillegass's Cocoa Programming is coming out. The second edition was an awesome book, so I imagine that the third one will be just as good (if not better!).

I was hesitant at first to buy one of those graters for parmesan cheese, but in hindsight, I'm really glad I did. It's just way too useful.

I really wish there was a blog like this one (on ethnic restaurants local to NoVA) for Seattle.

Instapaper is a genius idea. Very nicely done. I could probably use Sandy for this, but Instapaper is just much nicer for links.

7. Gentlemen's Blood: A Thousand Years of Sword and Pistol: How can a book on dueling be so non-exciting? It was interesting in a very broad sense, but there were just too many examples with too many characters for me to retain interest. I would've preferred it to be more analytical with more historical/philosophical/psychological (something, at least!) context, and it does touch on some of those very briefly. The author mentions offhand that it might do society some good to have fencing duels (although obviously not to the death) to satisfy honor nowadays.

Single-file Rails: perhaps a competitor to Camping?

So we had a new guy join our division (internal transfer within Microsoft). He mentioned that he had seen me post on some of the internal discussion lists, but I wasn't sure which ones he was referring to. He dropped his voice, glanced around, and said that it was the atheist list. Not really sure why I mention this, but I find it sad that we have to be careful when talking about our atheism.
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