
Monica Guzman, of Net Native

May 12, 2007 11:02

Originally uploaded by kejadlen.

From the 2nd Ignite Seattle. I'm just going through my most interesting pictures now.

Hulk Flash: this deck is kind of absurd. I think they're going to have to make the wording on Flash back to the fixed version. The evolution of Hulk Flash. Also, I really dig the name.

A great visual depiction of the anthropic principle. (A.k.a., the answer to "there must be a designer because the universe has the perfect conditions to life occurring on Earth!")

Premature optimization in parallel programming.

Some interesting stats on gun control that cut both ways.

Inventing new sports. Some interesting analogies to video games.

Splitting the check with large parties never seems to work quite right. And it's quite annoying. However, now that I eat with people who have real jobs, it's not so much of a concern.
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