Leaving for New Z once again.

Feb 08, 2007 17:10

Sorry to everyone whom I didn't kept contact while I was home.

It seems I had a bad end of the year 2006 and it kind of brought forward to this year, but thank goodness it ha subsided somewhat. But it is still irritating to have it hanging over my head.

Not only that, upon my arrival... I pretty much fell ill. The climate back in Malaysia is so--- scary that I dare cry to return to New Zealand.

But I still love all of you.

So, to everyone who is downright FURIOUS with me for not calling them... I'll buy you tomatoes to sock me in. Free.

[b]Victor[/b]>>> I noticed the missed calls many times TOO LATE during my last few days. I knew you were going to call but I have a bad habit of leaving my phone behind whenever my mom takes me out (who took special leave to accompany me).

So the last yamcha session... >_> Sepak me next you see me.

[b]KidChan[/b]>>> BEHAVE YOURSELF!

[b]CF people I know and knows me[/b]>>> YOU GUYS BEHAVE TOO! Just because a great number of us are lurkers, we DO know what's going on >_> BEHAVE! And play nice!

[b]To the CFers who are in charge of the whole event[/b]>>> I do hope with many years going through with you guys..... please make the event on time. If you need to do something, do it a WEEK before the event... NOT one the day. If you want to do that BADLY... I swear by my strong right hand that if you're the one causing the whole delay thing for a stupid reason and I coincidentally return to become part of the security AND have to face BIATCHY old people's ramblings... I'm coming for you and make you feel THEIR frustration and MY irritation.

As you all basically know me... understand that it is either you... either me... either them... or nothing at all. Let us all opt for the later which causes no problems and heartaches when pointing fingers at each other.

[b]CF Newbies[/b]>>> Do not be shy when you come on. Mingle around. We don't normally bite. (which means we actually do have some sort of a bite but quite harmless)

Just don't act like a n00b. I'm sure you'll feel irritated if one day, fate sicks a real n00b on you. If you're honestly curious, you should be fine.

It is alright to be moving around with your own kind of people... but there are still alot of other different people in the community you could mingle and you'll be quite surprise how friendly we could actually be.

[i]Bodek us if you must.[/i]

[b]Jewel[/b]>>> Eh! I want more gossip on your blog pwease :P I'm missing my favourite sarcastic humour in my life.


[b]Sizer[/b]>>> *bitchslap*

[b]Graff[/b]>>> Jom! Let's go! :D

See you all again. This lil oldbie is signing out and will be watching >_>.
For those who needs someone to talk to... You know where to find me. Page me if you must (for new people).

Just because you've never seen me around doesn't mean that I am new. >_> Hardeharhar.

Bye. *runs to her cab*

x-posted to the CF forum.

Take THAT!

comicfiesta, travel, life

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