you love tagging? you're tagged.

Sep 18, 2009 03:53

hello again people~! now be honest, which from you DO love facebook? hmm? i bet at least 50% of you do.
if you love facebook, maybe you love to tag people and being tagged. and if you love being tagged and tagging people, you got it. i just found this survey and i think it's kinda interesting. don't ask where i found this, i found it from a person's blog, and since she might get this from livejournal as well, so... hahahaha

since i got this from BLOG, YES, BLOG, it means it originally doeesn't have the rules to tag people. but i like to see from you guys, i mean, your answers, so i make a new rule here:


~happy answering :))

Hey! Say JUMP and YOU:

1. Who is your favorite among HSJ?
-- keito keito keito keito keito

2. Who/What lured you into the fandom?
-- uhmm, practically my nihon go kurabu sensei (who made me watch tantei gakuen, then i fell in love with yamada, but then i fell in love with keito), but let's also mention my friend patty and my cousin dea who showed me HSJ calendar with keito's face in it, and my friend monica who made me watch mayonaka no shadow boy PV, and that's the time when i was shocked by how adorable okamoto keito is.

3. What is your favorite HSJ song?
-- currently, uhmm, memories or mayonaka? hehe

4. What is your favorite show that features HSJ? (Shounen Club, Heisei Families, J-doramas, etc.)
-- shounen club(because all HSJ members performed in sc, not only some of them) and HYAKUSHIKI BECAUSE IT HAS KEITO WOOHOOW

5. Which do you like better, Hey! Say! 7 or Hey! Say BEST?
-- Hey! Say! 7 lah... T.T

Hey! Say! 7 Part:

6. Who is your favorite among HS7?
-- Okamoto Keito <3

7. Who do you think is the manliest in HS7?
-- Keito, hahahaha, but Ryuu has the manliest voice.

8. Who do you think is the girliest in HS7?
-- Chii? hahahahahaha

9. Temporary or Original?
-- i like temporary hs7's songs better, but i love the members from original hs7 better wew.

10. Favorite song/medley performed by HS7?

Hey! Say! BEST Part:

6. Who is your favorite among HSBest?
-- dai-chan the fish boy <3

7. Who do you think is the manliest in HSBest?
-- well... hikaru :P

8. Who do you think is the girliest in HSBest?

9. Ya-ya-yah or JJExpress?
-- er... i'm not a big fan of them ^^;

10. Favorite song/medley performed by Hey! Say! Best?
-- suriru and switch, both are great, but school days also has funny tunes~

Hey! Say! Past, Present, and Future~!:

11. What song of HSJ would you like to have a PV?
--  school kakumei and bouken rider, i can even imagine how the pv should be like LOL

12. How do you see Hey! Say! JUMP 10 years from now?
--   maturer and handsome-er *haha worng adjective*

13. Who in HSJ is most likely to get married first?
-- takaki lah, hahahahaha

14. Who is HSJ is most likely to get married last?

15. What JE song would you like to be 'revived' by HSJ?
-- gatau hahahaha

Hey! Say! Random~!:

16. Who do you think is the mother-figure in HSJ?
-- yabu? heeheh he has this 'mother-like' aura *wtf?*

17. Who do you think is the father-figure in HSJ?
-- ...YABU? HAHAHAHA. uhm okay, i personally think it's either yabu or keito, keito seemed to care of other members a lot

18. Who do you think is the most spoiled?
-- chii or inoo. hahaha

19. HSJ-related forums that you have registered in:
-- livejournal (is this a forum? LOL), let's jump, rock-in2-heisei, etc hahaha

20. Thoughts about ‘Chance to Change’?
-- worst hsj songs ever, since the tunes is too ordinary and honestly, the lyric has no meaning, but it's also innocent and easy-listening at the same time, so even though it's worst, it's still good LOL

21. Wish/ Hopes for HSJ:
-- MAKE A CONCERT IN INDONESIA PLEASE! so that i can meet keito and he can marry me and take me to japan to live with him LOL






~don't kill me, keito fans :)))

PS: please credit me if you ant to re-post :) thanks!

temporary hey! say! 7, hey! say! best, hey! say! 7, hey! say! jump, tagging

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