Jul 22, 2006 01:00

This is one of those mega PIRATES! updates that involve several chapters at a time and a few late announcements that never got posted properly o__o That said, I have written and uploaded Chapters 32 AND 33 at last! I figured I would write as much as I could while I was still inspired by Jack Sparrow's fabulous outfit and Jack Sparrow's fabulous dreadlocks and Jack Sparrow's fabulous wobbly running and Jack Sparrow's fabulous hotness........yes. Well. YOU KNOW YOU ALWAYS LOVED HIM TOO AND IF I COULD HAVE BEEN KEIRA KNIGHTLEY'S JAW KEIRA KNIGHTLEY I WOULD HAVE HANDCUFFED HIM TO MYSELF AND NOT THE FREAKING MAST THAT IDIOT.

I am very enamored of those movies. And Johnny Depp. Very. Obviously.

Moving on, long long ago (as in a few weeks) I changed the layout at PIRATES! and added about 17 new fanart submissions from all kinds of crazily talented people. Go take a look, I seriously can't stress enough just how great they are for doing these illustrations. And of course, I could never stress enough just how much I love pikimomo, for spreading the PIRATES! lovin' all over the place ^___^

I apologize for how few and far between my domain updates are these days...I'm still not moved in to the new house and this laptop makes doing anything impossible. TheFanlistings is breathing down my neck for not updating, but I can't even do much about it since I'm definitely not equipped to do anything in the category of updating or new layouts or new ANYTHING unless all it requires is Notepad. That means good things for those of you who lie in wait for PIRATES! chapters for months on end, but it means tragedy for my fanlistings.

Enough babbling O__O I hope you enjoy the new chapters, and I will be getting a shiny new WIRELESS CONNECTION when we move in...so expect cataclysmic and awe-inspiring updates over the next month. Hopefully. With luck.

*runs off to stare at the grasshoppers having a PARTY in front of her house*
*begins shrieking*

apologies, pirates!, new chapters

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