Mar 17, 2005 11:56
Happy St. Patrick's Day, guys. (I don't feel like coding my fingers off to update my domain right now, so I decided to use this. Now I feel all weird.) Oh, but anyway...eff you Carnegie-goers!!!!!! I MISS YOU DAMNIT. Especially YOU. Rrrrr.
Woke up at 8:30 and hauled ass to school in order to slave away at pottery for a good two hours. I finished my teapot (it looks like an apple...the lid has leaves on it...^___^) and redid 3C for a better grade too. Sierra was it wasn't as lonely as I expected it to be. I wanted to go on the wheel but I figured it would take another day to finish that way, and hell no am I coming to school tomorrow too. School, my foot. I don't even wanna think about it for another decade.
Actually I plan on hauling ass once more to the library in just 5 or 10 more minutes. Gotta pay my fees and load myself with reading material with which to keep myself busy for, what is it, 9 more days? Maaan. I guess I have plenty to do, I mean Rath did assign Shakespearean sonnets and there's always math homework, plus I guess I could do something happily mundane like clean my room or scrub the bathroom with a toothbrush...bah....when the relatives get here time will go by faster. Hopefully.
See you guys.