L'Étincelle is a web and paper comic that I created as part of my master's thesis project in my Nurse Practitioner Program at Decker School of Nursing at Binghamton University. It was created over the course of 3 months after months of planning and preparation. The story takes the common themes of super hero and fantasy media and applies them to a story of parallel identity development for LGBT youth. It strives to give a voice to a group of young people within a medium they enjoy and value. The aesthetics of L’Étincelle are meant to pay homage to the Japanese manga, anime, fashion, and rock music that so greatly inspire me. These elements of youth culture in Japan give a greater home to LGBT themes, thus opening a door for normalization and representation. (That's the project in a nutshell. If you want more info or want to know about my research, let me know! ^^)
I really hope you enjoy it!
It's also posted on
Tumblr if that's easier for viewing and reading. ^^
As the final piece of my project, I have an evaluation form for folks to fill out so I can get some feedback on the comic. If you'd be so kind as to answer the questions (there's like 5 or 6 of them), I'd really appreciate it! Leave a comment and I'll PM you the form.