Nov 24, 2011 00:23
Thanks universe! So much to be thankful for :)
In no particular order:
My own place.
Great gas mileage in my car.
Best Friends EVAR.
Deejay gigs all over.
8 years of sPiN! sPiN! SuPeR!
sPiN! sPiN! Chat evolution and ability to hold up to a lot of traffic.
Mayorships galore.
A steady pay, long-term client.
Discovering wine.
Steak face.
White iPhone 4s with blue bumper.
World's Comfiest Bed.
Awesome godsons.
Being 30 and loving it.
Cousin and cousins.
Nature all around me.
Space clouds, stars, and other awesome.
Family minus the silly drama.
Sonic's Route 44 Strawberry Limeade during happy hour for $1.40, only a block from my place.
Supper Club 600.
Jason's ability to win his fight against almost failing health.
My mom doing well and being happy after emerging from those few rough years.
Pregnant friends bringing new awesome into the world soon!
Cushe shoes. Amazing!
Old Spice Fiji line of products.
Great memories from the past year.
Exciting future adventures just waiting to happen!!!
To Be Continued...