The BBC web site news story "
Row over 'street in sky' estate" describes the notorious Robin Hood Gardens estate thus:
Robin Hood Gardens is a council housing complex in Poplar, London designed in the late 1960s by architects Alison and Peter Smithson and completed in 1972... It was intended as an example of the 'streets in the sky' concept: social housing characterised by broad aerial walkways in long concrete blocks. However, there were problems both with the quality of construction and the general design of the estate, which became plagued by crime.
A good bit of writing there. I ought to know, as it is mine! From my Wikipedia article on
Robin Hood Gardens:
Robin Hood Gardens is a council housing complex in Poplar, London designed in the late 1960s by architects Alison and Peter Smithson and completed in 1972. It was intended as an example of the 'streets in the sky' concept: social housing characterised by broad aerial walkways in long concrete blocks. However, there were problems both with the quality of construction and the general design of the estate, which became plagued by crime.
Can you spot where someone has employed the well-known cut'n'paste school of journalism. I have had the BBC arrested and am pressing charges of looking stuff up on Wikipedia.