Laws of simplicity

Jan 07, 2008 11:16

I like this from Zen Habits:

The Four Laws of Simplicity, and How to Apply Them to Life

1. Collect everything in one place.

2. Choose the essential.

3. Eliminate the rest.

4. Organize the remaining stuff neatly and nicely.

There are some examples of how to apply this to various different things including decluttering your house, email inbox, and so on. Never underestimate the power of decluttering to make you feel happier and less stressed, even though it can be a wrench to part with things. I had to get rid of some lovely things which were probably quite valuable in themselves, but of no value to me. Of each thing I asked myself "Is this making my life better by me owning it?" and if the answer was no then it got tossed.

Now I've got lots of room for new clutter!
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