In Case you missed it

Oct 06, 2010 16:29

Originally published at Karmic Debt Comics. You can comment here or there.

I kind of fell off the face of the earth…

There has been a bunch of stuff going on to distract me from working on L.O.S.T. including Custom Munny Dolls as well as an idea I had kicking around, a Kindle comic as you can see I have actually managed to create a comic for the Kindle. It is an older story that I have reworked to be better suited to a Kindle screen. I’m in the process of writing an entirely new comic in the eBook format, to me this is an interesting new format to explore and it seems a tad less crowded than the world of webcomics has become.

This whole new format has me excited and a tad nervous about doing comics again.  The excitement in making comics had kind of been missing for awhile and several things (including the death of my dad) took the wind out of my sails, creatively speaking. But the idea of taking on something that is still relatively new and unspoiled is starting to light a creative fire under my ass. Yay for Kindle Comics!

Now onto other things, we went to MoCA this week and all I can say is…

You folks need to step down from that rather lofty pedestal of pretentiousness, seriously. Naming everything “Untitled (Insert pretentious title here)” is not deep, it’s not some statement about the art, it’s some bullshit idea you were sold in art school that naming things like that was what serious artists did. Oh it’s also not untitled or you wouldn’t have felt the need to add anything in the parenthesis now would you. The folks who name things Untitled #36 (or what ever number they use) are a bit better, at least they can say they use the numbering system if they need to refer back to a work later. I mean if you have 80 paintings called Untitled it must be a bitch to catalog them.


I feel much better now.

keith's thoughts

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