Sketchy Wednesday

May 05, 2010 16:09

Originally published at Karmic Debt Comics. Please leave any comments there.

This is the first page of a book idea I have been toying with for awhile. Ok, it’s not a completed first page but it’s partially done. I keep bouncing the idea around in my head that I want to do this book, the trouble being lack of time. If I do the book then it’s unlikely I’ll be able to keep updating the comic as frequently.

Yes, I know I only update once a week… I have no idea how folks doing it 3-5 times a week. Ok, wait I do know. They ignore EVERY other aspect of their life. Which is all well and good for them I suppose, But I am thinking my wife would not take kindly to that idea.


Anyone want to share some input? Yes to a book, No to a book?

Oh, and the plan for the book is not just collecting a bunch of old strips together into a collection. This is slightly bolder idea, in that it will be an all new comic.  The goal is to tell the tale of one specific life altering event in a long form comic. I am still writing it so it’s FAR from anything that has a real shape as of yet. It’s just a seed at the moment….

But sometimes seeds can grow large!

sketchy wednesday

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