There was no escaping by means of any journey, however adventurous, one took one’s problems an

Dec 08, 2008 00:00

Originally published at Karmic Debt Comics: serving up hot and tasty comics weekly.... Please leave any comments there.

So when people ask me what my comic is about I usually reply that it is weird… It is far easier than trying to explain what I want the comic to be. How do you explain to someone that what you want your comic to be is a guide map for living. How do you tell them that you think that if they read your comic they might find a place to seek answers or at least to ask questions. How do you tell anyone this without sounding like a pompous ass?  It’s a freaking comic, not the damn Lotus Sutra. What makes me think that a comic can change lives? The comic itself might not be enough to change a life but it can give it slight shove and set it on a slightly divergent course. I suppose the goal is to be the pebble that causes the avalanche.

Now before anyone starts thinking “Wow, Keith is full of himself.” I think the comic still has a ways to go before consistently achieving what I want it to do. But I think it will get there I need to continue to work on it and not be afraid to take chances when drawing it. I like the style that I am using now but who knows how long it will last, this particular comic has been going on for about 3 years now and it has seen at least 3 style changes. One never knows what I might decide to do next, I could decide that charcoal stick figures is the best way to represent the concepts I am trying to convey.

You may wonder where all this is coming from, well a co-worker told me the recent comics have been inscrutable… now if this were someone of limited intelligence than I could just ignore the remark. However, this not the case with this person. So now I am faced with a dilemma, do I continue with this story arc that apparently no one gets but me. Or do I kill it with a merciful bullet to the brain? What I really need to do is work on making it less obtuse and more welcoming. Which is what I thought I was doing with the introduction of this story arc.

Well, that is all I have for now.

c) flowers for... keith?, anger, strawbemelon, violence, paths, 19) the dark path, direction, comics

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