I had the interestig experience of appearing on Jamie and Louise on Radio Wales yesterday. You can hear it
here (start 1:37hr in) until next Tuesday. All very friendly and easy to chat to. We talked about the Lon Las Challenge and why I was doing it. Was able to get the "Live strong with cancer" message over too.
Both presenters thought I'd done well as did my wife and one friend who heard it as it went out. I listened last night and I was quite impressed too. One moment of panic as I started on something but thought "I've said that already but was it on air?". We continued to chat when they went to music halfway through. My mental wheels spun for a moment but I managed to change what I was saying so that I did not repeat anything and the hestitation didn't come across. In fact, I was really pleased because the "erm" count was quite low.
This all came about through Twitter. I've been tweeting for about 6 weeks now (
@KeithUnderdown) and just before Red Nose Day Jamie and Louise (
@jamieandlouise) started tweeting about the programme. I boiled my story down to 140 characters and sent it to them. I was contacted by one of their researchers on Monday and went on air at 10:37 yesterday morning.
I'm having a rest day today as I have lots of stuff to do and I'm pretty tired. I've done 50M or so in the real world and had a go at the Draco route on the trainer yesterday. Unfortunately I hadn't switched the power on at the wall for my laptop an it went down when I was about 100m from the finish. I'd already lost to my previous best though.