Jan 20, 2009 11:55
I did my second training run today. I intend to do something every day, ideally starting just after 0700. I failed in that regard this morning though, I didn't get up until 0815!
I used the Catalyst programme today. This is less exciting than the VR racing as there is no scenery to ride through. Instead you have a control panel showing the effective slope you are on, your cadence stats, speed stats and power stats. I used the first formal programme FEI004 which is a slope programme. It lasts 50 minutes and gives you 18 stages ranging in length from 1 min to 5min at various slopes. I shall use this concentrating on my cadence, trying to get this up from 60 to 65, then I'll switch to a tougher regime.
I think I'm going to have to get a heart monitor so that I can check that I am not exceeding safety limits. That's unlikely because I'm not that determined but better safe than sorry. I also need to make sure that I have my phone within easy reach and the doors unlocked! It's my birthday soon so perhaps that what I ask for.
My stats today were:
Performance Stats 2009-01-20Statistic MaxAvgCadence (rpm)12857Speed (kph)37.323.1Power (watts)19466Distance Travelled (Km)19.27
The cadence is less than yesterday but probably reflects the greater average slope. I was thinking about using the upstroke more which helped. I put in a sprint finish too but I was too far from the line and ouldn't quite keep it up.