Secret Gig. Brixton Windmil. 20/02/2013

Feb 21, 2013 11:55

A gig so secret I wasn't sure I was going to play until I turned up.

I was at the Windmill to see legends of the mid 90s Lewisham scene "Soup" (who were amazing!)

The day before, all the posters still said TBC on them for the opening act, and it was suggested by my  Lead Guitarist that as I was attending we should get up and play. And a genius idea it was!

On arriving, the posters still said TBC, so five minutes later it was agreed we could play. After altering the posters

(One more reason you should never leave the house without an autograph pen), and borrowing a guitar, lead guitarist, bass player, and drummer from the other two bands, we took to the stage and played an amazingly fun gig.

The bass player, Stuffy, who I had borrowed from the excellent band Stephen Evens (Who went on after us, and were amazing) had never heard most of the songs, but he's a professional, and the songs are mainly the same chord sequence in slightly different starting positions, so it was fine.

Highlights include me not only forgetting the words, but also the chords to a song the rest of the band didn't know and having what lasts for 1 minute 27 seconds on the album become a sort of 4 and a half minute krautrock thing mainly consisting of the chord A, which was brilliant.

And telling everybody it was Stuffy's birthday and they should all buy him a drink, accidentally making him announce from the stage that as he was actually an alcoholic he would be drinking orange juice.

All in all, the best Wednesday night out I've had in ages!

As i don't think there's any photos of us, here's one of the amazing band Soup


Me - Guitar, Singing

Charley Stone - Lead Guitar, Singing, Being In The Amazing Band Soup

Mel Woods - Making Up The Drums, Being In The Amazing Band Soup

Stuffy - Making Up The Bass Bits, Being In The Amazing Band Stephen Evens
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