Mar 17, 2014 13:40
NeoPixels Rock! I am coding firmware for an adjustable flashlight using a rotary encoder. Press the encoder's center button once for white light and dial for brightness. Press it again for color and dial for which one. As the encoder only has 24 positions, I have to balance granularity of the spectrum against how many turns it takes to round the entire spectrum. The encoder that I have is being a bit annoying in that half the time in the center of a click, one of the switches in it tends to stay on (usually the left one). I have to write the routine differently than if I could depend on it settling down to both switches off at rest.
I got the idea for this by glancing at a picture of some 'Firewalker LED Sneakers', only I thought the LEDs were actually embedded in the soles rather than the edges. A little later I thought an optional flashlight mode would be nice to find lost car keys at a rave or such. I am proofing the code on an arduino NeoPixel shield produced by the good people at Adafruit.