Nov 16, 2012 22:04
Gosh i just read back at my last few entries sooo long ago and boy, i really, really couldn't cope with army.
Im in camp now, awaiting RT tomorrow while everyone's already booked out. I failed my IPPT today because my jump didn't cut it at 216, like it had last week. I have jumped, and know i could pull a 220+, but it didnt happen today. not for 3 tries. So that's the chances i got, and the chances i blew..
I deserve this, and in fact maybe i even need this. We all need wake up calls when we get complacent, and i guess this happened this week, after the 4 days of long weekend hahaha.. RT is pretty enjoyable actually. God really liifts my spirits up after the others left the bunk. The rest of us as a platoon are gathered in one annex room, enjoying table tennis, TV, music and for me, private time on the cheap classical guitar.
Positive thinking- it is what will get me through army. It is what will shape me to become a better man.
On the side note, i loved grenade throwing this week! i also loved SOC today!!!! and yet i hate the military lifestyle, for it has killed the former one. What a complex love-hate relationship i have with army, in all honesty. Its too much to grasp that it would be easier and better for me to give up, and go with the flow. Because the flow is good when the one above is in control.