May 29, 2005 19:23
I think I'm just going to settle into this single way of thinking. Accept me for what I am. A nice guy who is single and unhappy about it. But hey, they say when you are at the worst part of our life it can bring out either the worst or best in you. I hope it brings out the best.
I think my problem is I fallw ay toe asily. I know that it's not just me falling for any girl. But, when I do, I fall hard and put my foot in my mouth. I'm horrible with feelings.
Summer is coming soon enough, and I'll get my license and maybe that will be awesome. Maybe I get into an accident and die, who knows?
I think my main problem with life is I feel I need someone else to make me happy. And I still think that now. I'm jsut going to accept not being happy now. Whatever. I've done it before so I can do it again.