Jul 25, 2008 09:21
Ok, so I didn't think I'd post another ABDC drama entry, but I feel it's getting a little ridiculous at this point. This season has got to be 300% times more competitive than last, and that doesn't go without saying that every single crew from the first episode deserves to be in the top five at this point... well all of them except Extreme Dance Force and Sass x7, and that was exactly what I said after both were gone... that it could go either way. I've got a problem however when not just the fans, but the crews themselves (yes, even you, Super Cr3w) talk real big about how "America needs to vote or else *THIS* happens." When WHAT happens, exactly? At this point in the season, there are only FIVE remaining crews, and in my eyes, each and every one of them was DESERVING to have their spot. Do I agree with Supreme Soul getting booted? Maybe, maybe not, but the fact of the matter is, if everyone's so caught up in fighting to have Supreme Soul to be on the show, who exactly is NOT deserving of being in the top five? Fanny Pak? Boogie Bots? So Real? There may have been inconsistencies in some of these crews as far as how well they've done each episode, but the way I see it, I'm very pleased with who ended up in the top 5.
In short, the season has reached the point where a decision must be made to crown the next ABDC winner. Not everyone's going to win (obviously), and it's high time that people (including the crews) stop getting butt hurt about who gets booted (or not).