May 22, 2008 09:05
... The past few weeks have been extremely hectic for me. I've been MIA the past few because of several things I've had to take care of, most of which have to do with school. This being my last Spring semester at CSUS, I wanted to make it a good one. For my Shakespeare class, my final project (which counts as our final) was a re-enactment of one Shakespeare play we read in class. The simple requirement was to be able to act out a Scene or two in front of class, with the help of notes or even an entire script if need be. I on the other hand, decided to take it a notch above that. Rather than re-enact Taming of the Shrew, I decided to produce a World of Warcraft movie, consisting of three condensed scenes. Granted I'm not exactly versed at producing movies, much less a movie entirely acted out of a video game, I feel like it was a huge success. The class loved every minute of it, I received praises throughout the whole class, and my professors last words to us were, "... and maybe we'll see Director Antonio's name on the silver screen one day." That felt gooooooooood. I literally lost sleep for an entire week trying to finish the film, and almost ended up doing it alone because only I had the ability and direction to do the film. Luckily, a group member well versed in Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 offered to help. I've got the DVD of the film, if anyone would like to see what I came up with.
Of course, this is all within the time frame of me finishing up 15+ page final papers, studying for finals and trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for both Summer School and my next (and FINAL) semester. Again, girlfriend comes through in the clutch, because CSUS is real sketchy about providing "financial aid" (I use that term VERY loosely, as I feel like they only aid you whenever they please), and would not defer my summer school payment until I got my aid which comes in July. Make sense? Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.
Today, I take my last final, and I couldn't feel better about things. I feel like the storm has finally let up, and a few drizzles are here and there. The one thing on my mind now is how happy I'll feel once I start preparing for graduation (i.e: buying my cap and gown, grad announcements, etc). Most importantly, I'm anticipating the day when I can stand in front of my dad, in my cap and gown, with my diploma in hand, look him in the eye and say, "FUCK YOU."