I have never been a big fan of sleep beyond the occasional mid-afternoon nap. But for some reason when I get depressed I despise all forms of sleep. I always go to bed late, usually about midnight or 1 AM, but when depressed I stay up till I literally just pass out from exhaustion.
This has caused me to miss a week and a half straight of class as I just pass out when I get out work and wake up 8 hours later.the best part is I both know exactly what is depressing the hell out of me, and have no idea what it could be. I simultanitously (I am just to lazy to look up that word right now) know how to fix it, and have absolutely no fucking clue.
I need to get cleaned up cause I kinda look like a bum. I should probably shave and get a hair cut, I done neither in a few months I am probably a hoodie, pair of sunglasses, and a cabin in the woods form looking like Ted Kasinskys cousin, assuming his cousin could not grow a decent beard.
I have a career fair to get ready for and I need to set up a meeting about grad school and I should probably talk to Chris about that co-op with B&W, but I just don't know if its worth it any more. I am just angry ( I gues rage would be a better term), and depressed and k...apethetic. nothing really matters except making sure ...well I dunno, nothing matters except going throug the motions of existance I guess. Cause at this point that is all it is, going through the motions of existing.
I have a major test that I am only half ready today, I really hope I can convince myself sleep is a good thing soon.
On a lighter note:
I want my epitaph to read:
"He finaly snapped like we always new he would. But was he gay?"