Feb 02, 2009 20:56
I expect to see the number 25 a lot this year, so this meme is quite fitting.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I continue to regularly use my 7+ year old Dell laptop I acquired for college, which outlasted the Dell desktop I acquired at the same time.
2. I've enjoyed learning Japanese these past few years. That country is interesting and has lots of funny and fascinating stuff (not just anime anymore :^). After (99.9% sure) passing the (basic) level 3 proficiency test, my (unrealistic) goal is to shoot for the (business) level 2 test in December, so Brad, がんばってね...
3. I have attended the (Japanese-minded) Otakon convention every year since 2002. So many good times with AEPI bros and an actual cast of thousands! Joe, how many days left? It won't be the only convention this year though...
4. ...yes Marc, I will attend my first AEPI convention this year. Having it in Las Vegas is enough motivation this time.
5. Bowling is a nice stress reliever for me. I am still waiting for either my fraternity or Drexel to give me at least one trophy for the back-to-back bowling titles I helped earn. The money that the pros make on TV bowling is a huge disgrace - I think finishing 5th on TV earns you a free Denny's Grand Slam!
6. I want to play in the World Series of Poker one day. Poker gives me a better chance to win than any other game in the casino, and playing against other people (especially people I know) instead of against the house is more fun.
7. I recommend the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to everyone. Of all the habits, I think seeking first to understand is my best habit.
8. I am a high school valedictorian that would love to make my yearbook aspiration come true.
9. I am still proud to think I attended a Philadelphia Phillies championship parade in my lifetime. Although it is out of my influence (so far), I hope an Eagles one will happen too.
10. Although I like the Wii, I like my Playstation 2. There enough games in my collection that I haven't started yet that could last me until the PS4 comes out.
11. As a Star Trek fan, I think the cast choices alone for the new movie will make it worth seeing.
12. One of my motivations for starting a three day per week exercise plan is to be good enough to get on Ninja Warrior (SASUKE).
14. I want to find an excuse to go back to New York City and use my Marriott Reward points.
15. I'm taking advantage of my car's iPod connection much more nowadays.
16. I wish I didn't have to drive an hour to get to the nearest White Castle.
17. After watching Man vs. Food on the Travel Channel, I bet that with a buddy, I can eat a 30" pizza in one hour.
18. If I wanted to qualify for Wing Bowl 18 next year, I would try to eat two pounds of cream cheese in five minutes.
19. These last three points make me want to drive to Mastori's right now and down a whole loaf of cinnamon bread.
20. I think Joe Conklin and Frank Caliendo are really funny - could've used either of them for last night's Super Bowl.
21. I think last night's Super Bowl was better than last year.
22. Anytime I see this number, it makes me feel great.
23. It feels like forever since Punxsutawney Phil made a nice prediction... maybe I'll go next year and see him in person.
24. I think the new season of the Jack Bauer Power Hour, aka 24, is really good. Not Season 5 worthy, but better than 6. How silly will Kim Bauer look this season?
25. My horoscope for my 25th birthday says that I will make a big difference in others' lives this year.