Bonjour! C'est moi, le fou. The advice for today is to make sure you clean under your nails after handling peppers because face burns by hot peppers suck. In other cooking news, here is a recipe for some tasty carrot raisin muffins: I really liked them, even though I didn't bother to make the icing. I figured one could rationalize eating one for breakfast easier if there wasn't any cream cheese icing on top.
Hmm lets see what else is going on...
1. My roomie's cat is doing well and has made friends with Mikey, my orange flan cat. My other cat Bella still hates the newcomer and feels the need to be aggressive and hissy about everything from food bowls to toys. Heck, if the kitten gets withing ten feet she hisses. As this is week two, any advice would be welcomed.
2. Our household is going to plan a yardsale soon in an attempt to get rid of crap before the big move to WA. It is going to feel strange to move from having a very established feeling to completely starting over, but I think it will make people feel a lot more free in the long run. I am being forced to shed books, which is a painful process. Hey, if anyone wants the complete "Demon Dairy" series leave me a line in livejournal. The most I would ask for is shipping and handling.