
Oct 19, 2008 16:07

You do what you have to do until you can't anymore.

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Re: Walk softly... anonymous October 24 2008, 01:25:30 UTC
Oi,well, let's take this bit by bit :)

Endgame with Tim: I was there sorta, and then remotely, and then from Santa Fe. Things were going pretty far down about seven years ago this September, and that was when I came own and visited (and you guys were nice enough to tell me about the Greyhound Bus attack -as- I was getting on it!). Then I moved back down about a month later, and not long after, the fit hit the shan. Last conversation we had, in fact, was me yelling at you to go see the neurologist I think. How are you doing now?

LJness: Yeah, I kind of gave up on the LJ about grr.... five years ago? Let me think... I went to film school in Orlando, got married to a wondeful Newfoundlander named Maggie. In an odd reversal, I ended up having to fund (through the student loans) us and our two roomates (both of whom were in the Video Game Design program at my school), and with a 1k rent and about 400+in bills a month +tuition +cigarettes (of course) and other things, I had to drop out cause I couldn't pay for my second term and keep me and the wife living... which was lame as shit. I was directing projects,had a couple of student films lined up to shoot, and was not quite the top of my class, but within spitting distance of it. Maggie and I ended up moving in with Tim in Albuquerque, living with him and his (now ex) for about two years, with me working at Denny's for most of the time while trying to finish a move to LA we had started (long ass story there), and some amazingly strange bill/work related issues (that wasn't about me for once) came up, just as Maggie got pregnant. We moved back to her homeland (free health care is free), and been living there since (little over thee years now). My daughter Deva is six and is living with my ex on the weekends an with my mom on the weekdays, and my wife and I have two sons, Jason Cameron Carroll (10/09/05) and Thomas Cade Carroll (4/16/07), living in our own little apartment and working to get me legal to work in Canada, another long story. Two years ago last month, I nearly died when I had a pulminary embalism, was in the hospital for like three weeks (and I owe them 30k for that :P). We game, write, play video game, play with our kids, and keep to ourselves for the most part. Jason has tested within the range for autism, and we are waiting to hear back on that.

Random link came from reading the wiki on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and then doing some googles on Solo, and somehow passing a ranom bit that said keisolo, which caught my eye, and then later said Kei Hawk Rose. It was weird, and I don't know if I could recreate it. I was up for some twenty eight hours at that point.

Missed you too :) What's up in groove town?


Re: Walk softly...Part 1 keisolo October 24 2008, 16:34:14 UTC
I had some vague memories of you around that time, but I wasn't sure. One of the most frustrating things about the aftermath is that there is a lot that I lost about that timeframe. I was sleeping so little and working too much, and in the end had dropped to around 60 lbs before a friend found the answer.
I did end up seeing a neurologist, but she decided to experiment on me, since she had no real answers.

As far as how I'm doing now, it is complicated, and this is one of my rare public entries. *laughs* Um. I'll give you some basics, indicate there's more, and maybe I can either friend you, if you feel like keeping up on this journal, or send you an email addy or something.

Tim ended up asking C and I to leave, trigger was something pretty stupid that I think he ended up regretting, though I've never been sure of that. I spent the next.... three? years bouncing around trading housework and cooking and the like for room and board while trying to get healthy. I couldn't work a nine to five, and the medication costs for finishing out the seizures and killing off the active bug that was killing me wiped most of what I managed to scrape together from ex-assets. Sad thing is, from what data I've heard since, Tim and his family decided it had been meth. Yay. Never touched the stuff and never will, but... *shrugs*
I'm healthyish again. At least as far as weight goes. My partner was pretty happy when that FINALLY happened. Relatively recent, too. Bad thing is that entire process beat me up fairly badly... I've been in a wheelchair off and on for three years. I ate a lot of neural sheathing, apparently, which makes some of my longterm endemic issues worse.
Bleagh. Anyway, there's a lot more data in and around that if you want.


Re: Walk softly...Part 2 keisolo October 24 2008, 16:34:45 UTC
I was pretty happy to read that you'd married, and it seemed someone that loved you and you loved and seemed to have stabilized you without graying you out. Niftiness that such is still the case. At least as far as the marriage is concerned.

Strangest thing about the initial comment was that I had been working on archiving and cleaning up some of my old files, making sure only one copy, etc.. etc... and I had JUST (no exaggeration) rescanned OgreTrek and The Ventrue Javert and your fridge poetry before I opened my email. Sort of weird. But sort of the kind of not-coincidence feeling thing I've gotten used to from my life.

How did the living with Tim work? I'd ask more questions, but I don't... bleagh, nevermind, I think that falls into the category of in another forum, more privately, or something.


Re: Walk softly...Part 3 keisolo October 24 2008, 16:35:28 UTC
I almost envy you the living somewhere with free healthcare. The being sick screwed up a lot, and we still owe some for some needed things, and the one procedure that ameliorated it for a few months (God it was good to be ME again) is too expensive to try again, even if we had health insurance.

I'd like some more data on Deva, if you'd be willing. You triggered my duty streak with a godmothership, if you recall... and it has eaten at me for years that I can't do anything with that.

Glad you didn't die.

Tell me more about kids? And long stories? And just stuff, generally? I'll reciprocate. Either give me an email eddy, check your old contact data for me, or check my profile, or something...


Re: Walk softly...Part 3 anonymous October 25 2008, 12:56:39 UTC
For the life of me I can't remember my LJ password right now... I never can when I am not half asleep, and when I am awake I am to lazy to do the email thing to get a new one. Drop me an email at requiemogre@gmail.com and we'll hook it up.


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