Jul 10, 2007 09:34
Well I have no idea what Mike's dad said to him but now Mike is all way too worried about us getting engaged. Mike really had his heart set on us getting engaged in 6 months when he comes back and now he's like let wait longer...which isnt a problem except for the fact that he is letting his dad influence this decision. Now, Im not saying he shouldnt listen to his dad but Fig said that he shouldnt take advice from divorced people. And the truth of the matter is Mike and I wouldnt even be together if I would have listened to my cousin because my cousin didnt want me to date any military guys. So I keep stressing to him that this decision is HIS and HIS ALONE! Not his dad's, not his mom's, not Fig's, HIS!!!!
So how in the world are we going to get passed this?....errg.