Author: LJ USER Keiri desu. Genre: G/FLUFF Type: ONESHOT
For my friend who is a total Yuto Biasss Koala Chan ! :)
[Confirm or Ignore] Hey Its me Lisa desu. Im 18 years old going 19. Im a volleyball player in the university and was now practicing in an elite gymansium. Well, Iam the MVP of our school so they extend out a hand for me to have good volleyball skills every competition or nationals. I met this guy while practicing volleyball. Well, he's the Hey Say Jump member Nakajima Yuto. So I dont know him at all, busy practicing though. But he somehow got my attention when he was practicing soccer on the field. He was alone then. I sat at the bench and looked at him as he practiced rolling the ball using his body and it was kinda awesome. I almost found myself looking for him during the sun sets because that's the time he always practice.
I went home at exactly 8pm, and opened my FB account to post something about me. One day I was surprised to actually see a friend request.
"Another friend request." I said and clicked on it. "Little koala punch" I said and though to myself "What a weird name"
I thought and said. "Confirm or Ignore?" I think carefully. But i just clicked Confirm.... I strolled the FB to look for Nakajima Yuto's FB account. Then thought to myself. "Iam stupid. He's a celebrity why would he have an FB account?" I said then switched on to my twitter.
"Woahhh 5 friend request." I clicked it and was amazed to see the name Koala Punch?" I said and looked at it. "What a weird photo." I said to myself. "Okay followed."
The next day I went on training again, because we went on different schools I ate by myself. Suddenly I was surprised to see this tall guy sat beside me. "Eii." I said. "Can I join you?" He said while handling a footlong. "Oh sure" I said.
He was eating comfortably when he talked to me. "Anoo.Thanks for accepting my request last night." I looked at him and asked. "Request?" He nodded and said. "Little Koala Punch." Then signed Shhhhh. I nodded as I smiled. "How did you know?" I said. He looked at me and said. "Youre the famous volleyball player here in this gymnasium." I was shocked to hear that and said. "How did you know my FB account?" "I just strolled. So youre Lisa nee. Yuto desu." He said as he shaked his hand with me.
Uwaa his hand was so soft. so big. Well what do you expect to a tall guy. It felt like a girl's hand. I told myself
I came back to myself realizing that he was smiling back at me. "Anoo do you have practice again?" He nodded and said. "Come with me." He said and dragged me into the field. "Chotto. I ned to go back home early." I said releasing from him. Yuto looked at me and said. "Is that so? So chat us later though?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Oh want me to come with you. Its dangerous to come home." I shaked my head and said. "iie. I can go home. Arigatou na!" I said and smiled and went home. I came home 5pm, and as I went to my room I lounged into my bed and hurriedly opened my FB.
FB Chat popped.
Little Koala Punch Hi~ Me Hi~ Little Koala Punch So how are you? Did you ate your dinner ? Me Oh~ not yet. You? Are you already home? Little Koala Punch Me? Not yet, Im using mobile now. Hehe ^^ Me Oh~ Then take care when You got home okay. Little Koala Punch Anoo san~ A while ago I cant practice good. No one's watching me. Me huh? Little Koala Punch You're not there..
"Now im doomed. He know already." I said as i click on the log out button.
I jumped on my bed and slept with so much on my mind. "Yabbbbai Yabbbai." The next day I decided no to attend practice. I came back to practice the next day after that.
I went up to the volleyball court and practiced tossing and spiking for almost 2 hours. I felt my arm is aching until someone came to bandage it. "Why did you log out and not chat with me last night?' The guy told me. I look at him and saw it was him. "Gomen ne. Im so busy last night I didnt manage my FB. Gomen ne..." He helped me stood up and helped me bandage my almost-wracked-arm. I was looking at him the whole and did not notice my face is only centimeters away. He looked at me and said. "Anooo~ Dont get yourself into this again." He said. I blushed and said.. 'hai." Why did I say those words? He looked at me and put his hands on my face. "Dont let yourself get hurt again or my heart will hurt either. Okay?" I blushed again and said. "Are you confessing with me Little Koala Punch?" He laughed and said. "Whatever Little Lisa. Maybe. "
"If you accept it." He added.
I laughed and said. "Its my pleasure."
"Confirmed." "Double clicked...." And he hugged me tight.