Rolling on!

Sep 20, 2012 19:36

My god, Tumblr is a horrible, horrible place! *claws weakly*

This was in response to a reblogged doujin post on Tumblr, about Erik failing at being enemies.

So I started watching Teen Wolf, I'm up to episode eight, and I have do ask: does Allison develop a personality? Anything? Ever? Because thus far she exists and that's the most you can say about her. You could replace her with a blowup doll and the emotional impact would be about the same. Everybody else is reasonably well-rounded! That, quite literally, everyone. The teachers. The vet. That guy we see for thirty seconds before he gets horribly murdered. The girlfriend though, she has the emotional range of a dying lobster. Sigh. It's even worse than Bella Swann in Twilight, she at least was a horrible person, topped the list of people I would never want to hang out with, ever, never contributed an opinion that wasn't "he was bee-ay-yuutiful" and she still has more personality. Can't they cut Allison's screen time and give it to Stiles instead? Or anybody, really - give it to Lydia, I like Lydia.

Don't let me get started on the "romance" part. It's laughable.

Finally, Stiles needs better friends, as he is awesome and Scott is a complete asshole.

Gravity Falls is very enjoyable. :)

art: original, art: xmen

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