(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 13:48

I hate people. I believe them to be a waste of time and energy and that we should all just die. Everybody. All we're good for is giving power, voluntarily, to some asshole who can make it seem that his is the right way, or that we somehow wont survive without having some item. Even I'm guilty of the last one. Me and and my obsession of various memoribillia. Its not like any of us try to activly help each other in any way. Only if it helps us in some way. Even acts of kindness that seem like they're done without any reward have some sort of reward attached to them. Such as an ease of our self-produced guilt over being assholes or just the need to feel as if you did something nice and you deserve what ever you want out of life. But even those acts of self-delusioned selflessness are far and few between. The majority of the assbags out there in some sort of heedless drive to spread their seed around to fuck up society even more by raising their young to be as stupid as they are. Or they'll end up raising children that are smarter than them, its just that children are TOO smart and realize that there's no point of doing anything to fix it since there's billions of idiots to fuck up what ever they attempt to fix. Maybe thats why I like comics so much. It gives me hope to think that there might be somebody out there who can help the world, and maybe make it a better place.

Here's a link to the FFVII movie site for Linda. Has a new english trailer and I figured she'd like to watch it. http://na.square-enix.com/dvd/ff7ac/
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