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3 ☆Basics☆
Name: MC
Age: 27
Location: Ohio, US
☆About You☆
Three positive adjectives that describe you: funny, smart, compassionate
Three negative adjectives that describe you: oversensitive, blunt, shy
Interests and Talents singing, reading, writing, history, languages
Strong Points I'm honest, passionate about the things I do, loyal, loving, and empathetic.
Weak Points I like being honest, but I lack tact much of the time. I tend to procrastinate by filling out stamping applications a lot. :)
Likes Music, Comedy Central, history, the history of royalty, sci-fi and horror tv, books, and movies.
Dislikes Mean, rude, or condecending people, arrogant people, spiders, hippies, pastel colors, and working retail.
☆More About You
What are your dreams for the future? I want to become a published (and hopefully bestselling) author. I would also really love to get married.
What does Love mean to you? Depends on what kind of love you're talking about, but generally, I think love is the most basic human essential. Everyone needs and deserves love- from family, from friends, and also romantically.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? I would LOVE to be more outgoing, and when I do speak up, I wish I could be less aggressive than I usually am perceived to be. I don't think I'm aggressive or intimidating, but I've been told I can be.
Colour Purple
Animal Unicorn :)
Season Winter
Time of Day Twilight
☆This or That☆
Brave or Coward Brave
Night or Day Night
Love or War Love
Determined or Accepting Both/either- depends on the situation
Accepting Fate or Choosing your own Destiny Again, a little of both. For example, I can't fight the fact that I will die, but I can try my hardest not to.
Home or Adventure Home
Optimistic or Pessimistic Realistic
Impulsive or think things through In big things, I think them through, but there are plenty of little instances when I'm a little impulsive.
☆Keira Movies
Favourite Character and why? Elizabeth Swann, because she's independent, strong, and never lets what others think get in the way of what she thinks is right.
Least Favourite Character and why? Juliet in Love Actually. I don't dislike her, but the character isn't really developed enough to really like, in my opinion.
Favourite Movie and why? Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Aside from the awesomeness of Sparrabeth and Norribeth possibilities, I love Elizabeth's character in the movie. Still a lady, but quite the pirate! Also, I loved The Jacket. It might just be me, but I love accents, and hearing Keira do an American accent was totally squee-worthy for me. :D
Favourite Dress/Outfit from a movie and why?Do feel free to post a picture I'm not sure about favorite, because I love pretty much she's ever worn in any of the period pieces (except P&P- I hate empire waistlines with a passion), but this picture is pretty much the closest to something I would wear:
Favourite Love Interest and Why? Tie between Commodore Norrington and Mr. Darcy. I love Norrington to pieces and wanted Elizabeth to end up with him, and Mr. Darcy? For real, there's no real competition. I tend to have a thing for somewhat difficult men, so he fits the bill perfectly. Also, both of them are real gentlemen, which I adore.
☆If you want you can post 2 photos. Or describe yourself. Whatever you are comfortable with.☆
Another Halloween (ignore the boy in the bad glasses)
☆Anything Else☆
Thanks for your votes! :)