Stamped as Cecilia Tallis || Love Actually Theme.

Dec 02, 2008 15:10

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Name Abby
Previous Stamps Regular: Cecilia Tallis; Matchmaker: Dylan Thomas.

Positive Traits At my best I am: open, excitable, vivacious, charming, intelligent.
Negative Traits At my worst I am: withdrawn, shy, nervous, and easily annoyed/frustrated.
Hobbies Writing, reading, doing other various creative things; learning.

Describe your ideal Christmas Eve Lots of friends, family, and love! Warmth and a good time would be had by all. My ideal is just to be snuggled up with my significant other, watching as my family has the time of their life.
Describe your ideal Christmas Day Spent with my family, of course, indulging in all of our yearly traditions and having a good time. The day, of course, wouldn’t end without my making a fool out of myself for some unknown reason!
Favourite all time Christmas song and why? “Baby, It’s Cold Outside!” It’s such a romantic, cheery song, and I absolutely love it.
Favourite Christmas Movie and why? Love Actually, actually. (Hah! See what I did there?) Ahem. I love the different tangents that the characters go on, yet - at the center - they are all connected. It’s beautiful!
Best Christmas Present you could get and why A gift card to Barnes and Noble - it really is the gift that keeps on giving!

Favourite thing about christmas shopping? Is “nothing” an option? I tend to keep to my house and do my shopping online. I absolutely despise malls.
Least favourite thing about christmas shopping? The people! So rude and grabby!
If you could spend christmas with anyone in the world who would it be (excluding family) … Colin Firth? Haha! Kidding. My current attraction/crush/boyfellow... type... thing...! He lives all the way in England, and I'd love to be caught under the mistletoe!
Do you try and get a sneaky peak at your presents before christmas day. be honest now Never! I live for the surprise of what I’m getting.
Do you attend alot of Christmas Parties Sadly, no. It’s not so much that I don’t get invited - I just prefer spending my time at home, with my family.

☆Love Actually☆ don't worry if you have not seen it :)
Favourite Character and why? Colin! He’s hilarious. I haven’t laughed so hard as I’ve laughed when he was on screen. “It’s Colin Frissell, and he’s got a big KNOB!”
Least favourite Character and why? Mia. I am a strong supporter of Harry/Karen.
What makes this movie so appealing to you? It’s so realistic! Nothing like some of the silly Christmas films I’ve seen in my time.
Favourite Story within the film Jamie and Aurelia. Okay, so, one: sigh, Colin Firth. Two, he had a lovely personality and his attraction to Aurelia was so… honest? The awkwardness of them is just so adorable that I can’t stand it.
Christmas is all Around us or Love is all around us? A resounding both!

☆Anything Else?☆

theme - love actually theme - aurelia

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