Ok, Dress Theme is on till friday Till then we will start our new theme also. Can't fault a matchmaking theme. So this will go from 27th of October till the end of November Sometime.
☆Basics☆ Name: Age: Previously Stamped As:
☆About You☆ Three positive adjectives that describe you: Three negative adjectives that describe you: Likes Dislikes
☆Your Other Half What are the main attributes you look for in another half? Good Points attract you to a man? Bad Points attract you to a man? What are his good habits What are his faults What kind of looks do you go for? Do looks matter or do you look for something else?
☆You☆ Brave or Coward Modern or Old Fashioned Are You more Lustful or Loving? Moody or Happy Pessimistic or optimistic Home or Adventure Impulsive or think things through Romantic or Not
☆Him☆ Brave or Coward Modern or Old Fashioned Is He more Lustful or Loving? Moody or Happy Pessimistic or optimistic Home or Adventure Impulsive or think things through Romantic or Not
☆Couple What do you do together? Do you enjoy spending all your time with him or do you spend most of your time apart What would you do for valentines day/anniversaries.. do you celebrate these events? Who would most likely start arguements? Who would most likely end arguement? If he cheated would you forgive him
☆Anything Else☆
Duke of Devonshire - The Duchess Charles Grey - The Duchess Dylan Thomas - The Edge of Love William Killick - The Edge of Love Robbie Turner - Atonement Will Turner - Pirates Jack Sparrow - Pirates Mr Darcy - Pride and Prejudice Mark - Love Actually