Apr 09, 2004 12:07

Okay, so I've been kicked out of After Celebrity for no real reason. A few days ago I posted about my friend's community over at Greatestjournal and the maintainer told me "that's not cool." So I deleted the post, and my friend told me that I should be okay to go whore the community in the OOC part of AC. Well, the maintainer said it wasn't allowed, and rejected the post. So no one has seen that post except for the maintainer, and yet, I'm getting kicked out? How does that work? I deleted the post, and if it was against the rules, maybe the maintainer should have said something in my journal post about it instead of saying "that's not cool." Because then I wouldn't have gone by what my friend was telling me about it being okay in the OOC part of AC. But either way, no one has seen that post because I deleted it and it was rejected over at OOC.
And as for the new Keira, she's real original, isn't she? She took my username and put an _ before the Keira_k, so now, she's pretty much copying my username, an underscore does not make that her own username. It makes her a mindless idiot because she took my username and put an underscore in front of it. Really frickin creative and original. And, not only that, but she's taken my screen name. My Keira-shaped screen name was Miss Keira K, what's hers? Miss Keira 85. That's not creative, and it's not her own. She stole my Keira-shaped username, screen name, and get this, she has one of my Keira icons that my friend made for me. The new Keira is mindless moron who can't come up with her own, original username, screen name and she steals icons (the icon that she's using that doesn't belong to her is the one I'm using for this post).
In closing, I'm really pissed off. They kicked me off for nothing. People had no time to see that other community I put up because I deleted it RIGHT after the maintainer commented. "That's not cool" does not mean "hey, that's against the rules." And obviously I didn't remember that rule, so maybe a warning saying "posting about other communities isn't allowed, please remove it or be removed from the community" would be better. Personally, after this happened, seeing how AC really is, just kicking their members off because they said something, then deleted it as a 'sorry, I forgot' and still kicking them off with no warnings whatsoever, I'd leave the community if I were you people. Seriously, other communities, the ones where maintainers have some respect for their members and give them warnings before kicking them off.
Now that I'm out of the community, I can say whatever I want. So if you'd like to check out a RPG community that respects their members and gives fair warnings (because most people can't remember EVERY single rule) before a kick off, go check out Rendition Mod to join Rendition (links are kind of hard to see, click the rendition words). There are only two roles taken right now because it's just starting up, so there are a lot of roles that people can take. I hope to see some of you over there.
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