Meme: "Why I love my Ichiban"

Dec 29, 2008 18:27

I haven't really been doing a lot of memes... and this isn't exactly one. But when patziepiva  started this and invited me to do the same, I felt like sharing about my ichiban the same way she did hers...

I talked about how I became an Arashi and MatsuJun fan in my first ever entry when I was just starting LJ so just to sum up, like a lot of other people out there, I first noticed Jun-sama from Hana Yori Dango.  The sole purpose for watching HYD was because of Oguri Shun so I didn't take to MatsuJun right away.  And to be perfectly honest, I didn't find him that good-looking at first, maybe it was because of the curly-curly perm, lol...  But all that changed when I started watching his other dramas.

For me, Jun-sama is a true manifestation of "bishounen" or beautiful male.  I'm a big anime fan and when I studied Jun's features clearly, I realized that he is both handsome as well as beautiful.  Some of you may disagree, but well, this is just my opinion.

(I think I got this from the jun-a-day community, not sure)

When I reasearched about Arashi and started watching their PVs, I noticed that Jun was always the one who had to stand out.  He usually adds flair to the dance steps, he gazes at the camera with his sexy looks or poses, so in short, he's a "camwhore."  I sometimes thought that during their PVs and live performances, he tries to steal the camera from the other Arashi members, but then I realized that during their variety shows, he lets the others take over or lead.

So that made me think of him as their Performance King, not just the Concert King.  When they perform for their fans, it's usually Jun in the forefront.  When it's hosting, talking or leading the group in other areas, it's usually Sho.  When it's fun and laughter, it's Aiba.  When it's wisecracks and wit, it's Nino.  And when it's being quiet and calming, it's Ohno...

And as a performer, his dedication can also be seen in his dramas.  I know I've mentioned this to some of those in my f-list, but I am still truly amazed that when I see him acting, I forget he's Matsumoto Jun and just see him in the role he's playing.  For me, that's a very important skill that not all actors possess.  It's like when I see other actors, I see the actor and not the character.  But with him, he really is Domyouji, or he really is Ban or Momo or someone else.

I think the most dominant part of Jun's personality is his need to excel -- his drive or hunger to succeed.  I think he is the living embodiment of the saying, "If I can't do it well, why bother doing it at all."  I saw this trait of his in the Mago Mago Arashi Boat Club series subbed by Becky of taijiproject.

Jun is focused and seious and he knows what he wants.  So that makes him a perfectionist and a bit obsessive-compulsive.  And that's why even when it comes to fashion, he's very serious, lol...

A lot of people find him different when he was younger, more carefree and fun.  I think he is still the same guy but he realized somewhere along the way that being an idol is his career and it's work, too.

And as for him getting the "Domyouji personality," I think that he really is a bit sadistic but the prankster in him comes out differently from Nino's brattiness in the form of DoS MatsuJun.  He probably has a lot of similarities to the hot-headed Domyouji but he knows when to be DoS and when to be gentle and caring.

It is said that he cares most for Arashi.  Well, I think they all care the most for Arashi, each in their own way.  For each of them, Arashi is a family.  Jun and Sho are probably the mother and father (Sho's the father, and Jun's the mother? LOL).  Ohno would be the eldest, Nino the middle child (hence the constant bid for affection), and Aiba would be the overindulged youngest.

But why is Jun my ichiban?

Jun may be a perfectionist but he's not Mr. Perfect.  He's temperamental and flawed.  But I guess although my brain recognizes this fact... He's still my ichiban... hehehe.

I love him when he's being cool and sexy.  Sometimes his pictures become too much for me and I have to close my eyes or end up expiring in front of my computer.

I love that his singing voice is not that good.  It was my sister that grounded me down to earth while I was watching his Yabai performance from the Time Concert and told me that his voice was too nasal for her (I kind of knew but I was not yet receptive to the reality of it, lol).  Ohno's voice is perfect, but Jun's needs a lot of work.  So whenever he hits the right notes or loses the nasal tone and lets his voice go, I appreciate him more because that means that he's doing his best.

I love that he's shy and conceited at the same time.  He knows he has a strong face and he sometimes plays it up, but he also gets affected when people comment on his looks and gets modest.

I love that he has a low embarassment threshold.  It makes it more fun to put him in embarassing situations. (I'm also DoS that way, mwahahaha.)

I love his smile and his laugh.

(screencap from Yinghung's subbed VS Arashi Ep 32)

And sometimes his smile or laugh becomes too much that he forgets he's on TV and he ends up looking just like the other dorks beside him.

I love that he cares a lot about Arashi and the other members.  It warms me up whenever the others share how he's so thoughtful and considerate.

I love that he's very devoted to his fans.  And that he knows just what drives them wild during a concert (Yup, fell in love with him all over again after the Taipei Con last October)

So for me, I guess I love the whole package.  And I'm glad that I haven't moved on from being a Jun-bait Arashi fan.

(My scanner didn't do this justice)

Okay, so that ends this post.

Although this isn't really a meme, anyone who wants to do it is tagged!!!

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